‘Terrified’ Painters Brush Up A Treat

Red and yellow and pink and green, orange and purple and blue – no we did not sing a rainbow, we painted, and for most members it was for the first time.

Painting for the Terrified was the subject of our meeting but as Glenda Maynard, our instructor, put us through our paces, or should we say washes, the terrified became overwhelmingly surprised at their efforts.

Firstly we washed our paper with clear water then, as it soaked in, a light dab of purple then blue, slapped on in an haphazard style, and we had our sultry sky.

Then a mish-mash of ochre and purple, tipped lightly with blue, and our hills appeared – so far so good.

The technique next was to form rocks and, believe it or not, it worked.

After sploshing a mixture of brown and ochre we then had to scratch and twist over the damp mess with the end of an old plastic credit card. Oh, we were having such fun, many laughing at what they had achieved.

Within the limited time of an hour we had completed a scene, with the addition of some sea, shoreline and even fir trees growing on top of our rocks – well, we think they were fir trees as many had funny looking leaves protruding from them. But who cared, with so many smiling faces and astonishment at, for many, their first dabble in the art world. We think we could safely say a good time was had by all.

Our paintings then were set aside to dry and for judging, and tea and coffee was served, followed by the general business of the evening.

This included Gillian’s monthly lunch club date and venue, news of a visit to Bristol Hippodrome, arranged by Annie, to see Cats and more events. Some events are still to come for our defibrillator appeal – with some funds already in, we are nearly there but we still need a bit more digging deep into the bottom of our pockets.

The skittle team tried well with their efforts this season. A total of 15 weeks’ matches were played and, yes, they did win a trophy – the Wooden Spoon, so well done for trying, ladies, and better luck next season.

As the evening closed, Vicky welcomed two new visitors to our meeting and hoped they would attend again as, when our paintings were judged, one of the ladies had won a place in the results.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, October 3, in Draycott Memorial Hall, at 7.15pm, when we are having a French evening, with Valerie De Lattaire-Smith, cheeses, wine, pate and a demonstration of making macaroons – so we think we ought to be there.